Marriage in the UAE has flexible options, according to the type of social environment that makes up the community, as it is characterized by being a multinational and multicultural community, so the UAE law has provided options that allow all cultures and nationalities to contract marriage within the United Arab Emirates.
With MR Ahmed Humid Al Balooshi Law Firm – AHA LEGAL OFFICE will explain the types of marriage in the UAE, so that you are informed and aware of the available options if you are determined to get married, and if you have any inquiries about this marriage in the UAE, do not hesitate to contact us: Click and contact us now for any legal inquiries!
First: Sharia marriage
It is a marriage based on Islamic law, and it is the most common type in the United Arab Emirates, and it is concluded in the Sharia court or through a contract in any of the official specialized centre’s designated to complete marriage procedures, and Islamic marriage includes that the man be Muslim and the wife be Muslim or from the People of the Book (Jewish or Christian), and Islamic marriage includes many rights and duties for the spouses, such as dowry, housing, alimony, custody, and others.
Citizens and most residents of the United Arab Emirates, Arabs and Muslims, resort to legal marriage and document it with the court so that this marriage becomes declared and legally valid.
Second: Civil marriage
This is the type of marriage designated for non-Muslims, and is registered according to the civil laws in the country, as it is permitted for foreigners residing in the Emirates, and they can register their marriage without the need for any religious conditions, and it allows them to document the marriage inside and outside the Emirates.
This option is available to foreign nationalities, non-Muslims, and people of diverse cultures, as it enables them to contract the marriage with ease through simplified procedures and without complications.
General conditions for marriage in the United Arab Emirates:
– Both spouses must be at least 18 years old.
– Eligibility
– No existing marriage relationship or no legal impediments
– Consent of both parties
– Documenting the marriage in court to give the marriage its official legal status
The types of marriage in the United Arab Emirates are clear and unambiguous, as they are divided into only two sections: legal marriage for Muslims, and civil marriage for non-Muslims, and there are no other types according to the Personal Status Law in the UAE law.
If you are interested in obtaining easy and flexible marriage procedures in the shortest possible time, you can resort to the office of Lawyer MR Ahmed Humid Al Balooshi Law Firm – AHA LEGAL OFFICE”, to obtain the fastest marriage services in the United Arab Emirates, Click and contact us now for any legal inquiries!