Marital rights common to both spouses once the marriage exists in the UAE

Marital rights common to both spouses once the marriage exists in the UAE

In the United Arab Emirates, this marriage has all the rights that protect it from collapse, the first of which is “marital rights when the marital relationship exists”, and we at MR Ahmed Humid Al Balooshi Law Firm – AHA LEGAL OFFICE” We explain to you these common rights between spouses in this article in order to enlighten you and increase your knowledge of the rights that are obligatory and binding according to the law and also according to societal customs … and in case you want any legal inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us: Click and contact us now for any legal inquiries!

Section I: Marital and joint rights according to UAE law:

Article (54-56) of the Personal Status Law deals with the marital rights of spouses towards each other within the framework of the marital relationship as follows:

First: Article 54 Mutual rights and duties between spouses

1. The right of each spouse to enjoy the enjoyment of the other spouse as permitted by law

2. Legal cohabitation

3. Good cohabitation, mutual respect and affection, and preserving the well-being of the family

4. Taking care of children and raising them in a way that ensures their proper upbringing

Second: Article 55 Wife’s rights over her husband

1. Maintenance

2. Not to prevent her from completing her education

3. Not preventing her from visiting her ascendants, descendants and siblings and visiting them with favor

4. Not to interfere with her private funds

5. Not to harm her materially or morally

6. Justice between her and the other wives, if the husband has more than one wife.

Third: Article 56: The husband’s rights over his wife

1. Supervising the house and maintaining its assets.

2. Breastfeeding his children unless there is an impediment.

Second section: The common marital rights of the spouses when the marital relationship exists according to custom

Third: Showing respect and kindness

 Islam urges respect between spouses, and dealing with each other with kindness without devaluing anyone or ignoring their presence and dialogue. Islam emphasizes treating the spouse with respect, love, consideration and mercy, and this includes showing appreciation for the efforts made by both parties.

It also includes resolving disputes and conflicts in an elegant and sound manner based on listening to the other party and listening to their statements, then discussing the points of difference and trying to bring the views closer as much as possible, to bridge any rift in opinion.

The husband is responsible for managing the dialog at a calm pace and maintaining the level of conversation between him and his wife, so choosing words and dealing with respect and kindness is one of the common rights between spouses.

Fourth: Maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship

Health is a trust, which must be taken care of by the husband and wife, and they support this aspect by providing a healthy lifestyle for them and their children at all times, and both are keen to satisfy the other party in the relationship, as satisfaction is one of the common rights between spouses that have great importance in spreading joy and peace within the family.

V: The right of cohabitation and housing

Good cohabitation means favorable treatment, softness in word and deed, selecting words to avoid hurting the other party, providing all the wife’s needs in terms of food, clothing, drink and shelter without diminishing any of her basic necessities, and allocating a sum of money to her from the husband as her own monthly maintenance, with which she can fulfill any special needs.

She also has the right to sleep over, which means that the husband must be present in the house and spend the night there, without leaving the marital bed or being unduly absent from it.

This right is one of the common rights between the spouses, which preserves both of them from any disputes, conflicts and differences between them, and gives the home an atmosphere of tranquility, mercy and affection. In the office of MR Ahmed Humid Al Balooshi Law Firm – AHA LEGAL OFFICE in the Emirate of Sharjah, we provide all legal services in all the United Arab Emirates, and we pay great attention to personal status cases, especially cases that relate to (the rights of the spouses common in the event of a marital relationship) so if you have any legal inquiry related to this aspect, we are pleased to communicate directly with us at any time, as our office provides a customer response service around the clock: Click and contact us now for any legal inquiries!

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